I think the last great zombie game I played that tried to have a compelling story was probably Resident Evil 2, and that was a long time ago now. I've been a zombie I knock games a lot, A LOT for having poor narratives and stories fit for an 8th grader, but this game is not one of them. I knock games a lot, A LOT for having poor narratives and stories fit for an 8th grader, but this game is not one of them.

PS: O jogo é muitíssimo bom para jogar sozinho ou até mesmo com um amigo numa call (assistindo), como eu o fiz … Expand Se estás/estavas com duvidas se valia a pena jogar ou não, devido ao seus gráficos apesar de eu gostar MUITO da artes dessa editora/developer, (volto a repetir não define um jogo) espero que te tenha ajudado na tua escolha.

Nesta aventura irão acompanhar o Lee, o protagonista desta história, num mundo pós apocalíptico. Se gostarem de um bom jogo com uma boa história então JOGUEM este jogo seja pelo pc, telémovel/celular, PS, etc. A primeira temporada foi a minha preferida, apesar dela ter gráficos / jogabilidade inferior as outras, isto dizendo que para um jogo ser bom não importa só ter um bom gráfico ou jogabilidade, pois a sua gameplay vai se basear em todos os setores, e como este é um jogo mais voltado para história ou até escolhas (não iram interferir muito na gameplay, só em certas circunstâncias, mas como já disse ajuda a imergir na história) esses setores como é obvio irão pesar mais sobre o mesmo. Não pelas suas escolhas, mas pela sua história, claro não tirando o mérito que as escolhas deste jogo te faz imergir mais sobre ele. Não pelas suas escolhas, mas pela sua história, claro não tirando o mérito que as escolhas deste jogo te faz imergir Este jogo é incrível. I love how depending upon my choices is how I get or lose friends and see the reactions on the people's faces whether mad, sad, happy, etc.Este jogo é incrível. Plus, idiotic and dumb some characters are in the show and the game.
#The walking dead a telltale games series walmart tv
The game is very related to the TV show The Walking dead because of the places I visited with in the game and how the characters acted to each other. The sad part is when some major characters die and not to just zombies but to some idiotic characters that Lee is with. Also, I remembered to check in on everyone to see if they/re alright or not. I like it cause I can control what Lee says to every character. Also, throughout the story the computer makes the characters do some crazing things and sometimes some outrageous things that normal people would have never done. One reason is because depending upon the choices I make and what I tell Lee to say can either make thing better/worse and make people trust/not trust Lee. I personally had mixed feeling about this game. At the tail end of the game the gamer will watch a cut scene of Clementine sitting on a bench and her looking out into the distance and seeing two figures either running away from something or running towards her and sees her. In other words it's going to be an emotional game play ending. In the fifth and last episode of the first season stuff happen to Lee that will make you sad and mad at walkers even more and he might not live through the episode. Throughout the game, the gamer will have to help Lee with difficult choices like the example just mentioned and the choices that the gamer helps Lee make changes the way others think of him. After that choice Lee and Clementine will either stay with Shaun and his family or leave with Kenny and his family. Soon, the gamer will control Lee to have him either save Shaun from zombies or Duck from zombies. Once they arrive at a farm, Lee and Clementine meets one of the two new families: Kenny's family with duck as a child. After a while a police officer and another guy named, Shaun, drives up to Lee and Clementine and talks to them for a little while and Lee and Clementine get in the car with him to go to a dairy farm and feel safe with them. Later, a girl comes out of a tree house named Clementine who talks to Lee and feels a little safer with Lee.

Then he listens to messages that were there and then, out of nowhere, another zombie comes out and the gamer controls Lee to fight the zombie who turns out to be the babysitter. After, he hops a fence and sees a house and enters to find some bandage for a wound after a car crash. Then, Lee runs away and looks back to see more walkers trailing him. Next, Lee wakes up and fines the police officer a zombie and the gamer controls Lee to shoot the police officer turned zombie in the head. The gamer is a guy named Lee who starts out in a police car talking to a policeman before crashing off the road away from a zombie/walker. In the game, The Walking Dead: A Tell-Tale Game, there are five episodes in the first season.